📁Trimester Three Portfolio!📁

Hey EDU Blogs!

Today, I will be showing you my best work from trimester three. The rules are, that I have to put a picture or link of one of my best work from each core class, and one resource class. I hope you guys enjoy! ✌

Language Arts- For this core class, I picked a small test that is not too heavily graded, but does count. It’s called an IXL test. If you don’t already know, IXL is a website that has all sorts of skills you can practice. It goes all the way up to 12th grade, and the highest smart score you can get to is 100. Anyways, here is the IXL that I got a 94 smart score on. I know that 94 is definitely not the best, but I found the ending to be pretty hard when I was aiming for 100.

Math- For math class, I picked one of my SSAT tests. I’m sure you have taken an SSAT test before, have you? Whether you’ve applied for a different school, got tested, whatnot. Well, I think the test itself wasn’t that hard at all, but we learned this topic on math a while ago, so I was scared and nervous that I was going to forget how to solve the problems. I basically guessed most of the questions, but surprisingly I got 100%! I was so overjoyed, yet surprised. Another reason why I was surprised, was because it only had a few questions, so if I got a few wrong, the more percent it would go down!

Science- For science class, I chose the atom that I made out of clay. I worked so hard to make this, and it also took me time and effort. In science, we were learning about the periodic table, atoms, neutrons, protons, and electrons. Our teacher told us to pick an element and make the atom of it. I chose the element carbon. I didn’t know that it would have so so many protons, neutrons, and electrons. I still think it was worth it. Here it is!: 







Social Studies- For social studies, I chose my Ancient Japan Kimono project. This project was for when we were learning about Ancient Japan. I know a lot about kimono since my mom is Japanese, and so I decided to research about them even more! I found out so much more than what I knew before. I also wear kimono a lot when I go to Japan during the summer. (Aren’t you guys so excited for summer!?)

That concludes my core class section. Now let’s move on to the resource class section!

Art- Okay, I know that I used this class last trimester, but I promise it’s because I really liked the work of the painting I did. The art is Jackson Pollok-inspired. I believe the story for this amazing artist, was that in the ancient times in America, people always only used to do portraits of people, drawings of living or actual things, but Jackson Pollok got bored of that, so he decided to try some new type of art. He got a paintbrush/ toothbrush, and he dipped it in paint. He splattered the paint all over a blank piece of paper. It turned out very nice, but the people around him didn’t like it since they weren’t used to that kind of art. They then realized after a while, that it was actually very beautiful and unique in it’d own way. Well, this is my work!:


Fun Fact: That yellow line thingie was done on accident, but I think it looks better with it!💗😍👌







That’s the end of my best work from trimester three. I really hope you guys enjoyed it! Goodbye!


SBC Week 10: ✌First Impressions?👀

Hey EDU Blogs!

I can’t believe that this week is officially the end of this season’s Student Blogging Challenge! I had so much fun making all the posts for this, and I’ll definitely be sad! Well anyways, today I will be asking one of my cousins to help me do an audit of my blog. (There are two parts to the task one.) I did the same post of this on the HMS Sixth Grade Class blog, so check it out here. Let’s get started!

  • How many weeks of the challenge did you participate in?

I have participated in all the weeks of the SBC. (10 weeks)

  • How many posts did you write in the ten week period?

I wrote 12 posts in total including this one in the ten week period.

  • How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers, or other visitors?

I only received one comment… 😪

  • Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?

I really enjoyed writing the SBC Week Eight post about travel. I enjoyed writing this one the most because I got to share where I have traveled to with everyone, and where I want to go in the future. I also liked this one, because I got to add lots of cute, pretty, and beautiful pictures!

  • Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog?

I honestly don’t really know what are web tools even after I looked it up, but I used things like photos from google free to use images and other websites that have free pictures I could use. I also used my device to take photos of my own. To edit my posts to upload them for everyone to see, I just used the top toolbar to change font colors, put lines to separate sections, and put bullet points.

  • What are your plans for your blog now? Will you keep posting?

My plans for this blog is to keep posting until I can, but I don’t know if I should, because honestly, no one really looks at my posts, haha.😅

The next part of this task is to actually do the audit. Right now, I have my cousin with me to help me answer some questions. Here we go!

  1. What were your first impressions of this blog?

My cousin’s first impression on the blog was, “Aww that’s so cute! I love the theme!” As you can already tell, she liked the looks of my blog. For the actual content of the blog, she said that the writing was nice and that she learned a lot more about the SBC.

2. What captured your attention?

“I really liked your background image and the top image! (header image) I also like the BTS picture where it says hello and welcome.” -my cousin.

3. What distracted you on your blog?”

My cousin said that the only things that distracted her was the funniest thing- the background image of the gif. Apparently, it made her distracted while trying to read my posts since it was moving constantly.

4. What suggestions do you have for my blog?

“I don’t really know what to say, but maybe try to make more interesting titles. Umm, maybe make the font a color brighter/darker so you can see better.” -my cousin.

That’s all for today’s post. I am so sad right now! WAHHHH! 😭 I hope you guys enjoyed all my SBC posts. I’ll miss this! Well, thank you for reading! 💮






via Pixabay


😳SBC Week Nine: My Unpopular Opinions!😜

Hey EDU Blogs!

Today for SBC Week Nine’s post, we get another choice between a free post or a blog recommendation post. It was a hard decision for me to decide because there are lots of great blogs out there I really want to recommend, but I also wanted to share with you my unpopular opinions. I hope you guys enjoy!

1. Laying in bed can help you focus more. – I do my homework on my bed while partially laying down because it helps me relax more so I can think and focus harder. Most people think that makes you tired and lazy so you can’t focus.

2. Starbucks is a bit too overrated. – I know that lots of people might disagree with this, but I feel like people think that Starbucks is the best coffee or beverage store ever, but I think it’s because it’s popular right now and has been for a long time.

Image result for starbucks logo

via Wikimedia Commons 

3. Fake plants are AMAZING. – I think that this isn’t really an unpopular opinion, but they’re very cute to me. I have lots of them in my room, and you don’t even have to take care of them! So great for room decor!

4. Avocados are disgusting. – I’ve always loved avocados since I was younger, but then as I grew older, I started to hate the texture of it more and more. It’s so creamy and soft. I know that’s what people like about it but I don’t.

5. Pineapple on pizza isn’t that bad. – Pineapples have a sweet but sour taste, and I think that goes kind of well with pizza.

6. Unflavored sparkling water is very gross. – I like sparkling water that has a taste like the brand ICE. ONLY flavored.

7. Mayonnaise tastes really bad. – This is like the same for avocados, I used to put mayonnaise on food, but I slowly started not liking it.

8. Granola bars aren’t that bad at all. – I eat granola bars often now, because they’re healthy and the chocolate ones are really good.😋

9. Billie Eilish is a very talented singer, but Ariana Grande is too. (They’re equally great.) – I honestly like Billie Eilish’s music and songs better than Ariana Grande’s songs, but I think that they are equally talented.

Image result for billie eilishImage result for ariana grande

via Wikipedia          via Wikipedia

10. When listening to aesthetic music/relaxing/study music, instrumental versions are better. – I don’t know if this is an opinion, but whenever I listen to songs with lots of words, I find it a bit annoying and unrelaxing.

That is all of my very unpopular opinions. Please remember that they are my opinions, and don’t get offended by them. I don’t know if I’m allowed to do this, lol, but I’m going to recommend one of my favorite blogs. This isn’t really following the instructions, but I’m going to count this as a part of the free post. Anyways, check out my best friend’s blog at hmsriho. If you like any type of K-Pop (like me) or just funny but interesting content, you should keep up with her newest posts. This is almost like giving her a shoutout, haha! She’s amazing and such a great friend too! 💖 Well anyways, that’s about the end of this week’s post. Please comment any other types of posts you want to see, because I can’t come up with many ideas recently. Hope you like it! Bye!👋
